Clean your webcam sensor in a steamy place? Sure, why not… (TROLOLOLOLO)

This story just made me LULZ so hard today…

I mean, I understand that maybe you’re incompetent with computers, but seriously – what kind of fucking dumb ass do you have to be to take your computer in the shower, after being prompted with the following “system” message:  “You should fix your internal sensor soon.  If unsure what to do, try putting your laptop near hot steam for several minutes to clean the sensor.”

I mean, seriously?  That didn’t sound a LITTLE bit suspicious?  How about “You should fix your brain soon.  If unsure what to do, try applying the dull end of a hammer near the top of your skull for several minutes to remove the problem.”

I can’t believe so many people are so oblivious with technology to not understand how ridiculous this is…  Or maybe it’s just girls… Or maybe it’s just girls with Macs.  BTW I also LULZd at that one girl that was being interviewed and was like “my friend needed her computer fixed, because SHE HAS A PC.”  Really, bitch?  So what, I guess by your intonation you’re implying that Macs don’t need fixing?  Fuck off.

Maybe the pics/vids should be considered fair payment for support services rendered :D.  It’s obvious most of these “female acquaintances” didn’t give a shit about the guy and just wanted him to fix their computers.  I hope he got some good ones.  In any case, anyone who takes their computer in the bathroom to “clean their webcam sensor” deserves to take a picture taken of his dumb ass IMO.

Daughter, I are a disappoint!

Weiner’s weiner (LULZ!)

So, some Democrat representative called “Anthony Weiner” from New York was chatting with random women online and sending them “racy” pictures, was found out, and now is refusing to resign.  Welcome to the next US “political scandal.”

While I detest politics and the bullshit associated with them in general (I mean, does sending pictures of your dick to women really mean that you can’t be an excellent politician?!?), some things about this just made me LULZ hard, so I decided to post FTW.

Probably the funniest thing is this pic that he sent some woman:

Notably, the original image was called “package.jpg” (which name I have carefully preserved) which adds to the LULZ of this.  Come on, it’s Weiner’s weiner!!!

I also enjoyed the hilarity that Weiner’s “elegant” wedding ceremony had been “…officiated by former President Bill Clinton.”  Maybe they got together and shared some of their manly achievements sometimes – “Hey, I sent a picture of my dick to some woman yesterday!” “Oh, that’s nothing – I had an intern suck my dick last week!”


Well, it’s always funny to laugh at other males’ sexual internet (mis)adventures, isn’t it?

Full (very cereal) story here.

Minecraft 1.6 – the “bugfix” patch?


Well, the long-awaited Minecraft 1.6 “bugfix” patch is now out.

It’s kind of amazing that after three “long” weeks of testing, the patch was supposed to fix an incredible amount of bugs… which it did.

Unfortunately, it also introduced a lot of new bugs, some of which are amazingly ugly, including but not limited to:

  • item duplication issues
  • item durability issues
  • lighting issues

I understand the model Minecraft has been developed on so far – frequent, small updates, which fix things and introduce new features rapidly (almost on a weekly basis).

However, such obvious flaws at this point in time make me question the “retail/finished” future of that game, which is supposedly coming in a few months.

I don’t think it is fitting for the community to continue to be the actual beta testers of this game – a job which they are currently doing.  I seriously can’t believe that this patch was actually played, never mind tested at all before its release.  I can understand how the item duplication bugs could be missed, but something as obvious as the lighting issues and the server CPU issues?  Come on…

In my opinion, Mojang needs an actual process for testing the patches quite badly, if not dedicated “testers” (I understand the studio is ridiculously small and new), at least a small dedicated group of people who actually play the patches for two or three days before they are released for everyone.  I don’t think this “release broken patch to everyone, let the entire community give feedback on the obvious issues, quick-hack-patch the issues, rinse and repeat” cycle is healthy for this game at all.

Well, at least to Notch’s credit, he actually listens to the community and fixes the most obnoxious things fairly quickly – usually the same day – something which can’t be said for most developers these days.  Unfortunately, he never really quite fixes everything before moving on…


Living on the edge!

I lold hard at this:

RAGE: Dead City Trailer HD

After 3+ years since the first announcement for RAGE, it is finally getting very close to being released!

Exciting stuff – a new “id Tech 5” engine and the first game to be developed in-house for id since Doom 3 in 2004.

Even with the fairly over-saturated current FPS market, and “big budget” releases happening almost monthly, it feels like something radically awesome is going to come around… like when Half Life 2 and Doom 3 were released, almost simultaneously, years ago.

I grinned at the flies around the dead body at 3:15… reminded me so much of the “signature” Quake II “flies” which were nothing but square particles at the time… so cool, nevertheless.

I wonder if they reused some of the code 😀 .

Fap Achievements

This is just fucking hilarious!