The Meaning Of Life

Some wisdom from the “Pacmanism” philosophy LOL.

Funny & kinda true?

Cute Explosion

This made my day.

Battlefield 2142 Patch 1.51 Now Out!

Holy fucking hell!  After more than two years (I think) after first officially announced being “worked on” (or something similar), the new and most assuredly, last, Battlefield 2142 patch is now out.

Well, I can’t say I blame DICE for delaying it for this long (after all, it was reported about a year and a half ago that only ONE person was actually working on it), but I mean come the hell on – a year after the release of Bad Company 2, and months before BF3? That’s the fucking definition of ridiculous right there.

Anyway, for whoever is still playing this game (I MIGHT actually jump on some time in the future just to check this out), download links are at the official blog post.

The internets are going 3D… or are they?!

WebGL… it’s like all those cool 3D plugins from the late 90’s that never caught up, and like a proper implementation of the recent Flash 3D and pseudo-3D stuff.

So, it’s something like an API for 3D stuff in the browser… mixed in with cool features and so forth that make it easy to develop 3D “applications” right within the browser, and integrate them with web stuff…

So, maybe there will be 3D websites shortly, no?

Well, let’s take a look at the current implementations.


Firefox, check. (I’m using the 4.0 beta and it looks/feels quite good actually – it has all kinds of other DirectX-enabled accelerations over 3.6, and a new JavaScript engine as well, which is supposed to be faster)

Safari, check.

Chrome, check.



Well there we go – Microsoft strikes again.  Or rather, doesn’t…

As unfortunate as it is, the laggard development team of IE (after they took forever to properly support CSS 2.0 according to specs, and I think it’s still fucking buggy) is still dragging their feet behind everyone else.

Is it corporate politics? Who knows. However, as websites aim for maximum exposure, and with the lack of WebGL in IE, we’re probably not going to be seeing many websites with coolness like the demoscene-signature meta-balls like these anytime soon.

For those who are using one of the more forward-looking browsers, there’s a bunch of other eye-candy here.

Crysis 2 Beta Leaked


It’s not like it’s not happened before (Half Life 2 “leaked” betas anyone?), but something rather unusual for this day and age just popped on the interwebs.

Yep, the Crysis 2 Beta has been leaked all over the place, more than a month before its scheduled release.

I’m not going to tell you where and how to get it (come on, really?), and I am personally not touching it either (I’d rather partake of the finished product when ready), but whoever’s interested might want to check your, err… “sources.”

Of course, I’m sure whatever it is now, the finished product will be a lot more polished, bug-free, and will be very deserving of your cash, so… if you like it, buy it (when it comes out).

Nothing is coded for free, unfortunately.

Duke Nukem Forever – Balls Of Steel Edition

Well looky here!

Because of being in the “First Access Club” (hehe), I got this in my email today.

It certainly looks really really good, except for them not mentioning the most likely ridiculously high price tag.

I just really really hope the game lives up to the expectations to some extent.  It’s probably not going to be THE most amazing first person shooter ever, realistically speaking, but it’d better be at least as good as Borderlands (which I highly enjoyed) in terms of polish, game design, etc… except the crappy half-assedly-ported menus from the console version.

After all these years, in the words of Duke himself, “it better be.”

My anticipation continues to remain very high.